White indicated TWO.
And now Steven Avery is flopping every direction like a fish out of water to not say "I was wrong."
There were no verses given from James White that matches the big lie.
James White false claim:
"there are
literally thousands of places where Sinaiticus contains readings confirmed by later discoveries, discoveries unknown even in Scrivener's time, in the papyri, that would have been completely unknown to Simonides or anyone living in his day. To attribute these readings to mere chance is of course inconceivable."
Matthew 14:30 does not work.
John 1:18 does not work.
(Whatever White was thinking.)
The Revelation verses of P47, mentioned by Joseph Schmid, have come up with nothing, based on my sampling from the apparatus.
Ok, I am partly repeating post 79, but it is so fundamental that it bears repeating.
We have multiple contras here embracing the false words of James White.
Are there ANY verses that match the claim from James White? They would have to be more than a simple omission of text. And if there was only one or two out of 8,000 NT verses it would be a very minor evidence, simply a scribal faux pas. Thus White repeatedly claimed "thousands". Showing that he is a textual idiot.
James White insisted on "thousands" and it was a key argument in the debate.
And some of the contras here are still duped!