Why we have the perception we do

It would be easy for you to arrive at an impasse with any of your priests, if you asked the right questions. But you never will because youre docile. Just like they want you to be.
You certainly have quite an imagination. I am so docile that I walked out of Mass just this past Sunday because of a visiting priest who did not follow the rubrics of the Mass. I also once walked out of a Mass 30 years ago over something another priest did and confronted that same priest over the problem. Other than those two, every priest who has ever presided at a Catholic Mass I have been at has been just fine.
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What you may not do is come to any understanding that contradicts the interpretations of your Masters.

You just affirmed the OP.
If I said in the apostolic Church that we are not to read Scripture contrary to the teaching of the apostles, would you have a problem with that?
I already know what Catholics do: they go to the parish across town where the priest agrees with them.
We Catholics do not disagree with church doctrine or teachings, so the only thing that happens in going to another parish is a priest with a different personality. All priests at every Mass all over the planet follows the same church doctrine and should they stray, that would be something for the local Bishop to do something about This is quite unlike the Ncc rebel who will most likely go start another church altogether when things go south at their current place of worship.
What you may not do is come to any understanding that contradicts the interpretations of your Masters.

You just affirmed the OP.
If I said in the apostolic Church that we are not to read Scripture contrary to the teaching of the apostles

As another already said, your self declared Masters are not apostles.

Man, is your sect so puffed up! The narcissism is on another level.
All three are considered unofficial by the rules of this forum and I am not even allowed to link to them. But you can.

But let's look at some of those references anyway:
Is it true that around 44% Catholics never read their Bible?

What you may not do is come to any understanding that contradicts the interpretations of your Masters.

You just affirmed the OP.
That's how the pillar and foundation of the truth works! Why should the Church allow it's
members to wander into heresy?
You certainly have quite an imagination. I am so docile that I walked out of Mass just this past Sunday because of a visiting priest who did not follow the rubrics of the Mass. I also once walked out of a Mass 30 years ago over something another priest did and confronted that same priest over the problem. Other than those two, every priest who has ever presided at a Catholic Mass I have been at has been just fine.
What'd he do? Bow when he should have knelt? Swing the incense clockwise or something equally horrid? I'm not talking about rubrics of the mass. I'm talking about doctrine. Kinda like my examples.
We Catholics do not disagree with church doctrine or teachings, so the only thing that happens in going to another parish is a priest with a different personality. All priests at every Mass all over the planet follows the same church doctrine and should they stray, that would be something for the local Bishop to do something about This is quite unlike the Ncc rebel who will most likely go start another church altogether when things go south at their current place of worship.
So, youre good with this?

My mother, upon thee I will establish the seat of my kingdom, for through thee will I bestow the graces that are asked of me: thou hast given me the human nature; I will give to thee, as it were, a divine nature, that is, my omnipotence, by which thou canst assist all who invoke thee to obtain their salvation.

Ligouri; The Glories of Mary pp 248

Oh Mary, thou art omnipotent to save sinners, thou needest nothing else to recommend us to thee, for thou art the mother of true life.

Ligouri; The Glories of Mary pp 326
Hes a dr and saint remember. This 'teaching' put you in the mood to worship?
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Back in the day I was quite the catholic. Daily mass, volunteered in the rectory, hung out with the priests.

Started reading Scripture. Once asked the monsignor how what he said in the homily fit with the gospel reading, because he was saying the opposite of what Jesus said. I honestly wanted to understand.

That was when I got yelled at. About the bible being a dangerous book and all, how I shouldn't read it. So that is not something I make up. A trained monsignor, not like some nut in the parking lot.

So I am not really impressed by a "homily". And, believe me, I watch my own pastor's sermons like a hawk. Difference is, when I have brought up concernes I've never been yelled at. I can handle that, but it shows how open one is to the examination of Scripture over having just some authority complex.

And by the way. It's "missal", not "missel". It's surely an innocent typo, but just letting you know, I had those too.

I sometimes think catholics are under the impression that they are dealing with the uninitiated and clueless here. You aren't.
We'll just maybe the monsignor was right after all. You have placed yourself outside the Church.

"Lean not on your own understanding."
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What you may not do is come to any understanding that contradicts the interpretations of your Masters.

You just affirmed the OP.
That's how the pillar and foundation of the truth works!

The job of a pillar and bulwark is to hold ALOFT the truth.

The pillar and bulwark are not the truth itself! LOL. Is that what your Masters told you?

I bet they also told you that THEY are the pillar and bulwark! :LOL:

Why should the Church allow it's members to wander into heresy?

The members ARE the Church.

Your Masters told you they are "the Church," didn't they?'

Who is so foolish as to fall for this?