The Democrat Party's agenda for America

They didn't play by any of the rules in 2020
The rules - legislative, executive, legal, electoral and constitutional - are what put Joe Biden into office in 2020.

Those who supported and still do support a failed 2020 insurrection are the ones not playing by the rules.
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  • Perpetuate war
  • Represent billionaires
  • Insure the media amplifies only our message
  • Eliminate any competition
    • Deploy an army of lawyers to boot third-party candidates like Robert Kennedy and Cornell West from the ballot.
    • Use partisan prosecutors judges and jurisdictions to criminalize Donald Trump.
    • Prevent social media from being used to circumvent the Democrat party monopolization of media.
  • You can only vote for the preferred candidate of the
    • Financial industry
    • Billionaires
    • Military industrial complex
    • Pharmaceuticals
    • Crappy food industry
    • The administrative state
  • And above all we must have more war!
I would just like to thank the Democrat Party for reminding us all what democracy really means…

Fun fact: are you aware that it's easier to get on the ballot in that totalitarian Vladimir Putin's Russia than it is here in the United States as a third-party candidate? What are the odds?
Yep ^
The rules - legislative, executive, legal, electoral and constitutional - are what put Joe Biden into office in 2020.
No… Actually they weren't. The rules in Pennsylvania were "changed" in direct violation of the Pennsylvania Constitution and this is not a point of disagreement. Furthermore, the Supreme Court in Wisconsin found that in 2020 the election was held under rules which were in violation of their constitution too. Now these are just two examples which are at a point where there is no plausible counter argument to be made, but they are just two examples, and there are many, many more in every single swing state.

So your comment here is just about as thoroughly wrong as it could possibly be, taken in any light that it could possibly be taken.
Those who supported and still do support a failed 2020 insurrection are the ones not playing by the rules.
Would you care to flesh that comment out with some kind of a rational connecting of the dots. What do you propose was going to happen on January 6 as a result of the actions of a crowd, other than derailing what Ted Cruz and others were doing in the joint session to seat alternative electors and deploy other similar strategies?

Let me save you some trouble. There is no way of getting from your comment to a rational account of the facts at hand. It is a galactically stupid comment.

It's a wonder that an intelligent person like yourself is capable of either concocting it, or even repeating it.
You know, we don't have an opposition party. There certainly is an extremely robust opposition movement. But as for there being an opposition party it's certainly not the Republican Party.

If the Republican Party were an opposition party we would have many many very prominent Democrats being thrown in jail the equal and opposite counterparts of people like Peter Navarro on the Republican side and Steve Bannon. So obviously since the Republican party is going to take whatever the Democrats dish out and never fight back the Democrats have every incentive to smother the America first movement in the crib and prevent the emergence of a party that would actually fight back.

I will not be satisfied until many many many very prominent Democrats are in jail or facing hundreds of years in prison while being prosecuted just like Donald Trump is. The side that does not fight back loses. And the loser Republican party is not helping. Unfortunately it's the only place we can spend our votes, and we've got to change it into an opposition party from the inside out.

I am unambiguously calling for prosecutions and hundreds of years of prison time for prominent Democrats. They have got to learn that there is a cost to their insane attempt to undermine and destroy our republic. These people are scumbags and they do not give a push over an even break. In this regard they are the equal of Nazis. Donald Trump may be the only man on earth who could stand alone, and he is standing alone, and take what they're dishing out.
The rules - legislative, executive, legal, electoral and constitutional - are what put Joe Biden into office in 2020.

Those who supported and still do support a failed 2020 insurrection are the ones not playing by the rules.
We had the State of Pennsylvania illegally changing the voting rules for starters. It was done by the courts and the state government, not by the legislature as required by law.
We had the State of Pennsylvania illegally changing the voting rules for starters. It was done by the courts and the state government, not by the legislature as required by law.
That's extremely important. If the citizens of the state cannot be protected by the laws are on the books there was a serious breakdown in law and order.
That's extremely important. If the citizens of the state cannot be protected by the laws are on the books there was a serious breakdown in law and order.
Yes, and I saw you mentioned it before I did. Then there was the shenanigans perpetrated by 4 other states. We all know what went down back then.
Well, there's the one in Ukraine that we didn't have when Donald Trump left office and there's the one in the Middle East that we didn't have when Donald Trump left office. It's looks a lot like we're going to be fighting one in the Pacific as well, which would make a world war. We're very close to nuclear annihilation does that bother you at all?

A war that look stupider and stupider every day that goes by.

Excuse me, Richard Nixon ran on the platform of getting the United States out of Vietnam, which he did. Lyndon Johnson got us into Vietnam! What… Were you born yesterday? You can check me on this, but if memory serves, Lyndon Johnson was a lifelong Democrat.

Somebody better tell the billionaires, because they're giving all their money to the Democrat party. If I were you I would get right on that; you'll save them a fortune. And isn't it amazing how the number of billionaires in the United States has skyrocketed since Joe Biden has been in office? When Donald Trump was in office it was the lowest quintile that made marked progress. In fact, 2019 was the first year that inflation just adjusted real wages increased since 1974. Amazing how good policy is good for the American worker. Of course it took no time for Joe Biden to destroy that like clay pigeons, with that shotgun that he's always talking about.

My friend, that ship has sailed. The greatest pollution we face is in the food that we eat. It used to be the pediatrician would never see a case of diabetes. Now every third child has it or is prediabetic. This is a problem that is absolutely unique to the United States. Those food companies that are shoveling money at Joe Biden like there's no tomorrow are poisoning and killing our children. The health of our youth is in shambles and it's because Joe Biden is not doing his job.

Reality is left wing? You have just destroyed my faith and science. That is the funniest thing I have ever heard! Thank you for clarifying. It's now perfectly safe to disregard anything that comes out of the scientific community. We have just seen a clear demonstration of the level of objectivity we can expect out of the field of scientific research.

Yeah I think that I noticed that the RFK Junior had some dandruff on his jacket the other day. No reason to dwell on the fact that the current president can't find his way off stage.

First of all there's no crime and secondly it's never dent been done before for exceedingly good reasons. Partisans always accuse the other guy of "crimes." This is a perpetual truism that never changes and has been identical in every election cycle going back to the first Pardison elections ever held in the United States. It was understood by the founders that if this path was ever chosen, it would be the end of the republic and the only reason the Democrats are doing it is that the Republican Party is not an opposition party. There is an opposition movement, but the Republican Party is not an opposition party and that is a great distinction. When we've finally got a prosecutor who is willing to file charges against Hillary Clinton, or Barack Obama, or Joe Biden, for crimes which total several hundred years as has been done to Donald Trump wrongly then you will know we are developing an opposition party. We need a large number of very high profile Democrats to go to jail for a very long time and then everyone will be on notice that what goes around comes around and it hasn't anything to do with justice. End it is surely a fact that the Democrat party has destroyed our justice system hence forth and forever more.

You must've missed those hearings where Democrats threatened the social media CEOs if they didn't succumb to their prerogatives. Little wonder. You've missed most of the last eight years of news.

I don't know should the postman read your mail and determine whether or not you were being given any information in there that is an accurate? What if he's wrong?

It might have something to do with the fact that they are funding Joe Biden to (if possible) beat Donald Trump in the next election.

You can wake up now Rip Van Winkle.

Of course you do! You want war in Ukraine so bad you can't stand it! You would forestall anything that would interfere with more dead Ukrainians! Let me make this clear there is no scenario where Ukraine wins this war. There is no scenario where Ukraine gets back any the territory they've lost. There is certainly no scenario where Ukraine gets back Crimea! Everything I just said is an absolute no go for you which means that you are willing to prosecute this war with Ukrainian blood until the last Ukrainian is dead.

Why do you ask the dead Ukrainians if it was worth it.
You cannot criticize things that happened between other nations during the Biden administration by claiming that an alternative reality would have existed under Trump. All we know about what might have happened to Ukraine under Trump is suggested by his reaction when Putin invaded. Trump called that "smart" and "savvy". It is highly unlikely Trump would have marshalled our allies to come to Ukraine's aid, as Biden did. I think it is safe to say that, under a Trump presidency, Ukraine would have been taken over by Putin by now.

I don't get why you are so fixated on the Vietnam War and who made what decisions. That was 50 years ago and the world has changed since then. Republicans are suddenly pro-Russia. If you want to talk about the past, how about we re-litigate the Civil War, which was instigated by Southern conservatives - their modern day equivalents live in those same states and fly Confederate flags.

Rich people know that Dems are better at running the economy. You only have to look at the economic numbers over the past 10 administrations. It was mainly the Repubs that ran up our debt.

And yes, science and reality are supported by the LW, and opposed by the RW. After all, evolution is basic science, and climate change and the effectiveness of vaccines are supported by science. Your side rejects anything that does not align with your preconceived and largely religious views.

I do agree with you that our food supply is terribly contaminated by fake, highly processed foods, which should be highly taxed.

People who run social media sites have a responsibility to their users. Just as CARM has rules that they enforce, other sites should also take responsibility for their content. Allowing false "medical" information, for example, that can kill people, should, at the very least, have a disclaimer attached.

As for Ukrainians, they do not want to be part of Russia. They see the misery there, and they also see the freedoms and prosperity in western Europe and their choice is clear. Yes, some of them are willing to die for a better future for their country and their families. There are too many people living miserable lives under totalitarian government, like in N. Korea. Who would choose that?
Soldiers, including American soldiers, understand that they are facing risks and choose to fight rather than stand back and allow an unacceptable future to unfold.
You know, we don't have an opposition party. There certainly is an extremely robust opposition movement. But as for there being an opposition party it's certainly not the Republican Party.

If the Republican Party were an opposition party we would have many many very prominent Democrats being thrown in jail the equal and opposite counterparts of people like Peter Navarro on the Republican side and Steve Bannon. So obviously since the Republican party is going to take whatever the Democrats dish out and never fight back the Democrats have every incentive to smother the America first movement in the crib and prevent the emergence of a party that would actually fight back.

I will not be satisfied until many many many very prominent Democrats are in jail or facing hundreds of years in prison while being prosecuted just like Donald Trump is. The side that does not fight back loses. And the loser Republican party is not helping. Unfortunately it's the only place we can spend our votes, and we've got to change it into an opposition party from the inside out.

I am unambiguously calling for prosecutions and hundreds of years of prison time for prominent Democrats. They have got to learn that there is a cost to their insane attempt to undermine and destroy our republic. These people are scumbags and they do not give a push over an even break. In this regard they are the equal of Nazis. Donald Trump may be the only man on earth who could stand alone, and he is standing alone, and take what they're dishing out.
Well, the problem is that Dem politicians, with some exceptions like Menendez, are not law-breakers.
The Republicans have been working hard to try to find something to charge Biden with, and have come up with nothing.
The Trump campaign and administration had a large number of people charged with ethics violations or crimes. People who were forced out of their positions. Nothing like that in the Biden or Obama administration.

This is not a both-sides issue. This is a situation in which one side attracts con-men and grifters willing to break laws to benefit themselves. Guess which side I am describing.
  • Perpetuate war
  • Represent billionaires
  • Insure the media amplifies only our message
  • Eliminate any competition
    • Deploy an army of lawyers to boot third-party candidates like Robert Kennedy and Cornell West from the ballot.
    • Use partisan prosecutors judges and jurisdictions to criminalize Donald Trump.
    • Prevent social media from being used to circumvent the Democrat party monopolization of media.
  • You can only vote for the preferred candidate of the
    • Financial industry
    • Billionaires
    • Military industrial complex
    • Pharmaceuticals
    • Crappy food industry
    • The administrative state
  • And above all we must have more war!
I would just like to thank the Democrat Party for reminding us all what democracy really means…

Fun fact: are you aware that it's easier to get on the ballot in that totalitarian Vladimir Putin's Russia than it is here in the United States as a third-party candidate? What are the odds?
I cannot believe the lies you think you can get away with.
I live in South Florida. I'm surrounded by people who escaped Cuban Communism. They're all freaking out right now because this is what they risked their lives to escape.
I have Vietnamese friends that feel the same way.
Well, there's the one in Ukraine that we didn't have when Donald Trump left office and there's the one in the Middle East that we didn't have when Donald Trump left office. It's looks a lot like we're going to be fighting one in the Pacific as well, which would make a world war. We're very close to nuclear annihilation does that bother you at all?

A war that look stupider and stupider every day that goes by.

Excuse me, Richard Nixon ran on the platform of getting the United States out of Vietnam, which he did. Lyndon Johnson got us into Vietnam! What… Were you born yesterday? You can check me on this, but if memory serves, Lyndon Johnson was a lifelong Democrat.

Somebody better tell the billionaires, because they're giving all their money to the Democrat party. If I were you I would get right on that; you'll save them a fortune. And isn't it amazing how the number of billionaires in the United States has skyrocketed since Joe Biden has been in office? When Donald Trump was in office it was the lowest quintile that made marked progress. In fact, 2019 was the first year that inflation just adjusted real wages increased since 1974. Amazing how good policy is good for the American worker. Of course it took no time for Joe Biden to destroy that like clay pigeons, with that shotgun that he's always talking about.

My friend, that ship has sailed. The greatest pollution we face is in the food that we eat. It used to be the pediatrician would never see a case of diabetes. Now every third child has it or is prediabetic. This is a problem that is absolutely unique to the United States. Those food companies that are shoveling money at Joe Biden like there's no tomorrow are poisoning and killing our children. The health of our youth is in shambles and it's because Joe Biden is not doing his job.

Reality is left wing? You have just destroyed my faith and science. That is the funniest thing I have ever heard! Thank you for clarifying. It's now perfectly safe to disregard anything that comes out of the scientific community. We have just seen a clear demonstration of the level of objectivity we can expect out of the field of scientific research.

Yeah I think that I noticed that the RFK Junior had some dandruff on his jacket the other day. No reason to dwell on the fact that the current president can't find his way off stage.

First of all there's no crime and secondly it's never dent been done before for exceedingly good reasons. Partisans always accuse the other guy of "crimes." This is a perpetual truism that never changes and has been identical in every election cycle going back to the first Pardison elections ever held in the United States. It was understood by the founders that if this path was ever chosen, it would be the end of the republic and the only reason the Democrats are doing it is that the Republican Party is not an opposition party. There is an opposition movement, but the Republican Party is not an opposition party and that is a great distinction. When we've finally got a prosecutor who is willing to file charges against Hillary Clinton, or Barack Obama, or Joe Biden, for crimes which total several hundred years as has been done to Donald Trump wrongly then you will know we are developing an opposition party. We need a large number of very high profile Democrats to go to jail for a very long time and then everyone will be on notice that what goes around comes around and it hasn't anything to do with justice. End it is surely a fact that the Democrat party has destroyed our justice system hence forth and forever more.

You must've missed those hearings where Democrats threatened the social media CEOs if they didn't succumb to their prerogatives. Little wonder. You've missed most of the last eight years of news.

I don't know should the postman read your mail and determine whether or not you were being given any information in there that is an accurate? What if he's wrong?

It might have something to do with the fact that they are funding Joe Biden to (if possible) beat Donald Trump in the next election.

You can wake up now Rip Van Winkle.

Of course you do! You want war in Ukraine so bad you can't stand it! You would forestall anything that would interfere with more dead Ukrainians! Let me make this clear there is no scenario where Ukraine wins this war. There is no scenario where Ukraine gets back any the territory they've lost. There is certainly no scenario where Ukraine gets back Crimea! Everything I just said is an absolute no go for you which means that you are willing to prosecute this war with Ukrainian blood until the last Ukrainian is dead.

Why do you ask the dead Ukrainians if it was worth it.

Yes LBJ got us into Vietnam no doubt . However peace negotiations were sabotaged by Nixon so he could win the election. So many more died and all to win an election.
However peace negotiations were sabotaged by Nixon so he could win the election. So many more died and all to win an election.
Nixon STARTED the Peace talks, why would he want to sabotage them? He won in a landslide in his 1972 re-election bid with 60.7% of the popular vote and 520 electoral votes.