The Social Teaching of the RCC?

You did.

I see things this way:

If I am in a ship trying to navigate rough waters, I trust God, I believe in God--but I will steer clear of the rocks anyway and otherwise do everything I can to keep the ship steady.

In life, I will save money--so that I have a rainy day fund, in times of crisis or before a storm I will make preparations. I might stock up on food and water.

It is simply impossible not to worry. That is human. We are designed this way.
You did.

I see things this way:

If I am in a ship trying to navigate rough waters, I trust God, I believe in God--but I will steer clear of the rocks anyway and otherwise do everything I can to keep the ship steady.

In life, I will save money--so that I have a rainy day fund, in times of crisis or before a storm I will make preparations. I might stock up on food and water.

It is simply impossible not to worry. That is human. We are designed this way.

You did.

I see things this way:

If I am in a ship trying to navigate rough waters, I trust God, I believe in God--but I will steer clear of the rocks anyway and otherwise do everything I can to keep the ship steady.

In life, I will save money--so that I have a rainy day fund, in times of crisis or before a storm I will make preparations. I might stock up on food and water.

It is simply impossible not to worry. That is human. We are designed thi
In answer to Romish's response above in post #39 . . . .

If you worry, then what kind of faith do you manifest? "Little faith," according to Jesus in Matt. 6:30. If you are a child of God, as you claim, then by definition you have a Heavenly Father. To take action like you don't, is to act like an unbeliever in God's eyes (Matt. 6: 31-32).
So when God commands His people not to worry, Catholics admit they think they have better plans....and then blame God for their disobedience!

That's exactly what you did.

You say it is "impossible" to obey God.

You then blame God and insist He is the one who designed us to worry.

"It is simply impossible not to worry. That is human. We are designed this way."

At least man up and OWN what you claim, instead of putting on the act like it is all a big joke.
That's exactly what you did.

You say it is "impossible" to obey God.

You then blame God and insist He is the one who designed us to worry.

"It is simply impossible not to worry. That is human. We are designed this way."

At least man up and OWN what you claim, instead of putting on the act like it is all a big joke.
So what is your point?

That we should throw the virtue of prudence out the window and live carelessly?
So when God commands His people not to worry, Catholics admit they think they have better plans....and then blame God for their disobedience!
Again, are you saying that God's command not to worry is an excuse to throw the virtue of prudence out the window?

"Oh, I am having chest pains, but I am not going to the doctor. God said not to worry."
So when God commands His people not to worry, Catholics admit they think they have better plans....and then blame God for their disobedience!
Again, are you saying that God's command not to worry is an excuse to throw the virtue of prudence out the window?

You have to ask if I am saying something I never said anywhere, at any time? :rolleyes:


Prudence = good
Worry = bad

Your repeated justifications to disobey God, and blaming Him for it, are noted.
Bingo isn't as popular in the RCC as a social activity in recent years- at least in locations with legal casinos. Degenerate gamblers prefer the quicker fix of dropping their nickel into the slot and pulling the lever, knowing instantly whether they won or lost. Waiting for someone to call out dozens of numbers just takes too long.
What bothers me in the modern world----is that Satan doesn't even have to WORK all that hard anymore at getting people to believe his lies.

I mean--it is manifestly obvious that there are two genders. It is manifestly obvious that human sexuality, by nature is heterosexual. Yet---despite the obvious people--with PhD's deny the obvious-----and they get promoted, honored, published, etc.

There was a time when Satan actually had to work to get people to accept his lies. He doesn't even have to work anymore. THAT to me is what is the scariest. People no longer have the ability to think critically or reason. Truth is based on emotion and passion.
I agree. Now getting back to the meaning of human sexuality, and the gap between Roman Catholic Church teachings and the convictions of many of the faithful in this and several other areas of morality, need some serious wide eyed attention.
I was reading that the Magesterium is concerned about Mr. Milei who is running for the Argentine Presidency, even though Milei is against abortion and his opponents are in favor. They have pointed out that Milei's platform is inconsistent with Catholic Social Teaching.

From what I've seen, Mr. Milei is just a regular conservative fellow with a perm.

What is the Social Teaching of the RCC that Catholics are expected to follow.
To sum it all up, and setting aside all the LGBTQ issues for right now, wouldn't both the hierarchy and the RCC theological scholars have to rethink how doctrinal development can proceed with integrity in a radically different environment? Without forgetting that the Roman Catholic Church and theological truth are ultimately different, there are lessons to be learned from the natural sciences and other professions like law and medicine. How - or whether - the "faith" is passed on depends on this needed conversation. So far the Vatican's attempts to exercise traditional controls over a drastically altered theological world have more than failed; they have exacerbated the conflict to a dangerous extent. One can see that in these two separate areas alone that are currently polluting American Catholicism;: church teachings on sexual conduct, and the implications of recognizing women's full equality and past subordination.