the original Messianic Judaism?

Loving our neighbor as ourselves is what will heal the world, applying that principle of the Torah. But remember that words in the book do nothing. It is human beings who must act, act in love towards Humans, animals, the earth...
so Mankind will heal the world, thru our actions and attitudes (?)
Loving our neighbor as ourselves is what will heal the world, applying that principle of the Torah. But remember that words in the book do nothing. It is human beings who must act, act in love towards Humans, animals, the earth...
Sorry...I have to jump in.
You're mixing in your Eastern/New Age junk in here again. That isn't Judaism you're throwing against the wall now. ?
I never said that everyone in the world was going to pursue tikkun olam. The question is, what you are you and I going to do?
I'm curious how Judaism views their and the Torah's relation to the World
or how they think the Kingdom culture will actually come about

I never mentioned transhumanism. Are you just trying to make conversation?
I'm Evangelical -
were into all the End Times/our Blessed Hope approaches sort of stuff :)
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I'm curious how Judaism views their and the Torah's relation to the World
or how they think the Kingdom culture will actually come about
Judaism views the Jews as the priest-people of the world. We are supposed to be the leader in terms of achieving God's will in the world, i.e. spreading ethical monotheism, making the world a better place etc.

By Kingdom culture do you mean the messianic era? It's not spelled out how it will come about. You have to remember that while the messiah is front state center in Christianity, it is a marginal belief in Judaism. The Tanakh says practically nothing about it, and quite honestly very few discussions about it take place among Jews.
I'm Evangelical -
were into all the End Times/our Blessed Hope approaches sort of stuff :)
I personally do not care in the slightest about end times stuff. I have read that some very intelligent people are saying that we will move into an age where we combine ourselves with electronics stuff. You might even say that this has already happened for many people who have, i.e. lost their arms and have replacement, or people who have chips imbedded in brains for different ailments. Whatever happens in the future, we will cross each bridge as we get to it. I'm a little confused why you would think that transhumanism has anything to do with end times, though. I don't see the world ending any time soon.
I personally do not care in the slightest about end times stuff. I have read that some very intelligent people are saying that we will move into an age where we combine ourselves with electronics stuff. You might even say that this has already happened for many people who have, i.e. lost their arms and have replacement, or people who have chips imbedded in brains for different ailments. Whatever happens in the future, we will cross each bridge as we get to it. I'm a little confused why you would think that transhumanism has anything to do with end times, though. I don't see the world ending any time soon.
it wouldn't be End of the World but an end of an Age
yr calender would be 165 years different from the one I like
are Judaism/Jews into prophecy much?
it wouldn't be End of the World but an end of an Age
yr calender would be 165 years different from the one I like
are Judaism/Jews into prophecy much?
Jews focus on the overwhelming bulk of teh Jewish prophets that admonish us to keep the commandments. The few portions of prophecy that are about future predictions are not really that important -- they are peripheral teachings. I realize that that seems odd to Christians, for whom the prophecies regarding i.e. the messiah and the messianic age are front and center.
Takufah and then Winter solstice/day of Remembrance
a time to get together with yr extended clan, hang out, catch up, and talk about if any Prophecies have been fulfilled since last time
is Damascus still around? how about Elam? what's up with Magog?
that sort of stuff

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Jews focus on the overwhelming bulk of teh Jewish prophets that admonish us to keep the commandments. The few portions of prophecy that are about future predictions are not really that important -- they are peripheral teachings. I realize that that seems odd to Christians, for whom the prophecies regarding i.e. the messiah and the messianic age are front and center.
why would so many gentiles even have been interested in this Jewish guy?
drinking the koolaid really isn't comparable with gentiles the world over turning to and studying the Hebrew scriptures
Yes it is. When you answer the question, why did the people at Jonestown drink the koolaid, you have your answer for how people around the world can accept a false messiah. Any false messiah. Whether its Jesus or Jim Jones.
Yes it is. When you answer the question, why did the people at Jonestown drink the koolaid, you have your answer for how people around the world can accept a false messiah. Any false messiah. Whether its Jesus or Jim Jones.
was it prophesied the nations would turn to the God of Israel? and Israel would rebel?
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"And I will have mercy on her who had not obtained mercy;
Then I will say to those who were not My people,
‘You are My people!’
And they shall say, ‘You are my God!’”
Pardon? Most of the world has not yet turned to the God of Israel. The prophecy still awaits fulfillment.
you don't find it strange that so many Jews currently don't believe in God
while billions and billions of gentiles do?
"And I will have mercy on her who had not obtained mercy;
Then I will say to those who were not My people,
‘You are My people!’
And they shall say, ‘You are my God!’”

you don't find it strange that so many Jews currently don't believe in God
while billions and billions of gentiles do?
80% of Jews believe in God. I don't know why you think that's a problem.

Again, the prophecy of the nations all turning to God has not come true yet.
Today we celebrate the birth of Christ on earth which in its original form represented the rising of the sun in the East (associated with the winter solstice as the solar light increases throughout the year). It is the knowledge of the Most High God, the Father Sun, that rises in our hearts and in the world at the “appointed times”, which the earliest Jewish Christians celebrated.
Today we celebrate the birth of Christ. Happy Birthday to him who reveals the knowledge of God Most High! Maranatha! Always and forever, my King.