The real Jesus

The JW's have a contradictory meaning as to the identification of the Lord in Colossians 3:20.

I already did in post 19,
No you didnt, it is 100% clear if Jesus didnt inherit the name above other angels he would be equal to them, They are the partners mentioned at Psalm 45:7-- real truth, your translating errors are blinding you.
They can't figure out if the "Lord" in Colossians 3:20 refers to their creator or to their creature-jesus.
In Col 3:20 -- Jesus was Gods child, His son, and he obeyed his Father and did His good will. So do we all who are His children no different at all.
Jesus never taught he was God, he would be a liar if he did, Its 100% clear at John 17:1-6,26--Jesus teaches the one who sent him= Father is THE ONLY TRUE GOD,, verse 6= YHWH(Jehovah) verse 26= YHWH(Jehovah) .. the best question is Why you outright refuse to believe Jesus.
Translating errors is the reason why. Translating errors by satans will getting all who believe them to break Gods # 1 commandment daily--Not a wise place to be standing, yet billions are. No wonder only FEW will find the road. It takes believing Jesus.
Jesus never taught he was God, he would be a liar if he did, Its 100% clear at John 17:1-6,26--Jesus teaches the one who sent him= Father is THE ONLY TRUE GOD,, verse 6= YHWH(Jehovah) verse 26= YHWH(Jehovah) .. the best question is Why you outright refuse to believe Jesus.
Translating errors is the reason why. Translating errors by satans will getting all who believe them to break Gods # 1 commandment daily--Not a wise place to be standing, yet billions are. No wonder only FEW will find the road. It takes believing Jesus.

Yoi ignored Colossians 3:20.
Most claiming Christianity dont alter their views to fit the facts to be like the Father of it and perfect as He is perfect to have His same mind, they alter the facts to fit their views instead.
Wow! Such very convincing evidence.

That kind of so-called logic and reasoning may work well with the JW crowd, but not here.

John 20:17, Rev 3:12, John 4:22-24---(John 17:3-Jesus teaches--the one who sent him= Father = THE ONLY TRUE GOD--so either Jesus lied( not) or the trinity is a lie= Yes. You would rather believe error over Jesus, yet claim to follow him. Here is Gods advice to all= The key--This is my son the beloved in whom i am well pleased-LISTEN TO HIM.
John 20:17, Rev 3:12, John 4:22-24---(John 17:3-Jesus teaches--the one who sent him= Father = THE ONLY TRUE GOD--so either Jesus lied( not) or the trinity is a lie= Yes. You would rather believe error over Jesus, yet claim to follow him. Here is Gods advice to all= The key--This is my son the beloved in whom i am well pleased-LISTEN TO HIM.

You are still dodging Colossians 3:20.
You are still dodging Colossians 3:20.

The bible was clear at 2Tim 3--one would be not open to any agreement. I share many truths with you but you cannot see past yourself. You have never agreed to 1 truth i share. The real followers of Jesus, love Gods truth.
Philipians 2:9--Jesus was exalted to a superior position when going back to heaven---That means a position before he came to earth. One cannot be superior to being God now can they. The prince of the angels, Michael could become appointed king of Gods kingdom until he hands it back and subjects himself.
Coll 3:20 doesnt say which Lord.--You see there are many Lords. 1Cor 8:5) its either Jesus or Jehovah, but all who know them know that both would be pleased if one showed honor to their parents.
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The JW's have affirmed the singular Lord refers to the Father and to the Lord Jesus in Colossians 3:20.

Thye are very confused.
Its you who are confused. They did not affirm it is speaking of both. If they did years ago, have corrected. But it is fact both God and his son approve of one bringing honor to their parents.