What things in the Catholic/Eastern Orthodox church teachings of TODAY are NOT in the Early Church Fathers' Teachings?

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How then do we know that when Christians added the writings of the nt to scripture that they got it right?
What are you talking about?

No one adds writings to Scripture!
QUESTION --->When do you think a writing becomes Scripture?
I care only what God shows me, not human canons. There is a way we could talk but not by this “i win/you lose” logic or whatever it is the technique so often on the forums.

The Self will easily murder souls to uphold its canons. Look at the 30 years war...and how the reformation failed. I don’t follow human made canons and don’t know what you think I would be admitting to?

Thank you illini. By the way if you are in illinois, it’s a lovely state. I lived there decades ago and my eldest is there. Ive not been back in a while though because I have chronic fatigue since the last few years.
I never go by I win/you lose. I only care about rightly dividing the word and I know I'm not always right - but I do pray and study. I won't be so close minded as to refuse to look into any credible resource. I could not care less about human canons and have never, ever, in 50+ years followed any person be it Calvin, Smyth, Augustine, Olsteen....no one but Christ.

I'd love to carry on but prefer to discuss posts in context and explain why or why not an issue is supported or not.

You're welcome, e v e - yes I'm in Illinois - have been a few other places but came home about 10 years ago. I love it, but the people who run it (into the ground) not so much ;) But I do know God is in control. I'm sorry for your chronic fatigue and will pray. Thank you and I hope we can continue to talk.
im not calvinist or augustian either. both are so off! whenever a philosophy or translation comes from the Self, its always a mess.

not familiar with smyth. prosperity gospel is another mess, i skipped all that.
Smyth is credited with founding the Baptist denomination. Agree re: prosperity gospel and add faith healing (not that God won't heal...but the twisted version that if He doesn't, something is "wrong" with you).
I care only what God shows me, not human canons. There is a way we could talk but not by this “i win/you lose” logic or whatever it is the technique so often on the forums.

The Self will easily murder souls to uphold its canons. Look at the 30 years war...and how the reformation failed. I don’t follow human made canons and don’t know what you think I would be admitting to?

Thank you illini. By the way if you are in illinois, it’s a lovely state. I lived there decades ago and my eldest is there. Ive not been back in a while though because I have chronic fatigue since the last few years.
Sometimes you read posts and miss things in it. It is picked up when reading a reply that you pick up what you missed. I am sorry you are unwell and hope your energy levels get better sooner rather than later. I agree with you both that prosperity preaching etc are another set of false man made teaching. But probably best discussed in the appropriate areas. The RC is the main institution that has man made doctrines. We just need to keep our eyes on Jesus and hopefully others will do the same.
Christians added writings to scripture.
you are in error:
Scripture is Scripture the moment it is penned.
it doesn't matter how many sets of human eyes have seen it.

No council, committee , or conference vote can make a writing Scripture
Thank you. I try to pace myself and find that I can manage things if I do. It is one reason why while I used to spend more time on replies, and finding sources, and proper grammar...finally I just gave up on that. I am also very aware of the problem of female teachers so I've avoided doing more than express my own opinion, and try to avoid arguing here, with other women or with men.... for these reasons, between being tired and that, I feel better now just talking to other Christians. But it also means I won't always defend my positions, since I don't have that as my job to do here. I know the carm forums site is very theologically involved, while other sites are more witness type...which would make sense I visit those... but by now after a while here, I am used to it and recognize the posters. Plus, I find the witness sites have much gobbled stuff too, end times stuff that sounds to be as crazy as copeland or an osteen type thing. I have tried to give up all the theology since I retired as a prof., at a catholic university in the philosophy /theology area! (even though I was and am not catholic a point which was not part of the hiring criteria), and mostly now just concentrate on God and my relationship with God and less about papers, citations, debates, and proving points of theology. I could win philosophical debates but I don't enjoy that type of thing much. It doesn't mean that one actually got the other person to understand something, and often involves aristotelian logic structures, which tire me by now. I'm glad God did not give the prophets scripture using that format!

Yes... best in appropriate forums.. agreed. I will post this and behave in that regard. : )

As to RCC, I left RCC so many years ago but I do keep up with it somewhat as far as news and what not and here on carm. My entire family is RCC except for one cold as ice sister of another denomination. They hold it against me as a black sheep that I left. it has not been easy and has destroyed the connection. Because I am not RCC I am permanently demoted in the family in so many ways. I don't mind this at all and partly, that situation taught me to be able to stay with Him no matter what anyone says to me to show me that I am less or wrong etc. I hold to Him as my only hope, and now when I read the pope's nonsense, I understand it as the pope's and RCC's invectives against God. God's souls are the RCC's enemy and it does so oppress its members and keep them in a state of fear about mortal sin and other types of coercion. I saw it when I was teaching, in my many catholic students. A few of them even reported me, because I was not towing the RCC theological line. Grin. Nothing happened though, since the thing is that Catholic theology and philosophy departments are practically pagan, which I would even tell my students. It's a very syncretic religion that takes words and refits them to their version, while supporting every sort of weird theology imaginable. They did not like me much at all. While I do not think that catholics are denied heaven, since salvation is not by denomination by a private thing between each soul and God, I do think that the RCC institution is a satanic baal worshipping entity, not any less so than LDS or any other cult, just that RCC is the cult with the oldest legal rights traditionally, which is probably why even carm doesn't have it listed under cults.
I didn't mean to imply your weren't behaving. Sorry if that was the impression I gave. I love the way some RCs lay guilt on you. My father told me that my grandmother's dying words were that one day I would return to the church. Sometimes I ask for proof, only so I can look it up and maybe understand a position better. I agree if someone will be saved or not is not something we know. What happens at the point of death is unknown by others. I agree the body of Christ is not a denomination.
What things in the Catholic/Eastern Orthodox church teachings of TODAY are NOT in the Early Church Fathers' Teachings?

I'm developing a list...


Assumption of Mary

got any more...?
there is none, since the catholic church is apostolic.
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